KY KRI Meditations PDF

Aerobic Capacity & Efficency Meditation
Antar Naad Mudra (Also called Kabadshe Meditation)
Awakening the Inner Healer: Healing Sadhana to Initiate the Healing Zone in You
“I am Happy” Meditation for Children
Basic Breath Series Meditation
Blue Gap Meditation
Breath Awareness Exercise
Breath of Fire with Lion’s Paws: Reset the Brain’s Electromagnetic Field
Caliber for Constant Self-Authority
Composite Polarity Mudra Meditation
For Healing Addictions
Grace of God Meditation
Gunpati Kriya Meditation I
Healing Ring of Tantra
Healing with the Siri Gaitri Mantra
Immune System Booster: The Inner Sun
Indra Nittri Meditation
Inner Conflict Resolver Reflex
Kirtan Kriya
Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra
Learning to Meditate
Long Chant (Adi Shakti Mantra or Morning Call)
Maha Gyan Mudra
Mahan Jaap
Mala Meditation
Master’s Touch
Meditation for a Calm Heart
Meditation for A Stable Self
Meditation for Blessing Guidance by Intuition
Meditation for Emotional Balance: (Sunia(n) Antar)
Meditation for Projection & Protection from the Heart
Meditation For Prosperity
Meditation For Prosperity II
Meditation for Self-Assessment
Meditation for Stress or Sudden Shock
Meditation Into Being: “I Am, I Am”
Meditation on the Divine Mother
Meditation to Change the Ego
Meditation to Clear Your Communication
Meditation to Conquer Self-Animosity
Meditation to Develop the Self-Sensory System: For the Transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age
Meditation to Discover the Beauty & Heavens within
Meditation to know the Field
Meditation to Open the Heart
Meditation to Open the Lock of the Heart Center, to Increase the Power of the Infinite Within
Naad Meditation to Communicate from Totality
Naad Meditation to Communicate your Honest Self
Naad Meditation: Naad Namodam Rasa
Nadi Cleansing
Parasympathetic Rejuvenation Meditation with the Gong
Perspective & Emotional Balance: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Pran Bandha Mantra Meditation
Pranayam Energizer Series
Rejuvenating Meditation to Make You Sattvic (Pure)
Rejuvenation Meditation
Seven-Wave “Sat Nam” Meditation
Sitali Pranayam
Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
Tattva Balance Beyond Stress & Beyond
Tershula Kriya “Thunderbolt of Shiva”
The Caliber of Life Meditation
The Complete Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation
The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection & Positivity
The Liberated Heart Meditation: Equanamity, Steadfastness & Immunity
Tratakum Meditation
Venus Kriyas


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Meditation for Polishing the Radiant Body

Meditation Isht Sodhana Mantra Kriya (*)

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(*) updated December 8' 2018

Pinklotus KY Mediations KY Kriyas KY Healing KY Maha Mudras KY Pranayamas KY Mudras KY Postures KY Numerology KY Chakras KY Mantras