Kundalini Yoga Pranayama series 0 (basic breath series) KY pranayama's (From Sadhana Guidelines)
1. Sit in easy pose. Make een antenna of the right-hand fingers and block the right nostril with the thumb. Begin long deep breathing through the left nostril for 3 minutes. Inhale - hold for 10 seconds. Relax. |
2. Repeat the first exercise, but use the left hand and breathe through the right nostril. Continue for 3 minutes. Inhale - hold for 10 seconds. Relax. | |
3. Inhale through the left nostril, exhale through
the right using long deep breaths. Use the forefinger and the little finger
to close alternate nostrils. Continue for 3 minutes. Inhale - hold for 10
seconds. Relax.
4. Repeat exercise 3 exept inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left. |
5. Sit in easy pose with hands in gyan mudra.
Begin breath of fire. Totally center yourself at the brow point. Continue
with a regular powerful breath for 7,5 minutes. Then inhale, circulating
the energy. Relax or meditate for 5 minutes, then chant long "Sat Nam".
This set opens the pranic channels and balances the breath in the two sides of your body. It is often practiced before a more strenuous, physical kriya. It is great to do by itself whenever you need a quick lift and a clear mind. |