KY meditation three meditations for the heartcentre
1) Sit in an easy pose with an erect spine. Make
the right hand into a fist with the thumb up. Grasp the fist with the left
hand and press the right thumb into the navel point. (la & Ib) Then begin
long deep and slow breathing. Concèntrate on the flow of the breath
and feel the pulse of the breath go between the navel point and the root of
the nose. Measure the breath along this path. Continue for 11 minutes.
In the same position, make a lotus mudra with the hands 4 or 5 inches in front
of the heart center.
In this mudra, only the sides of the thumbs and the tips of the little fingers
and the base of the palms touch. The rest of the fingers spread to form the
lotus petals. (Ila & lIb)
Begin long, deep and slow breathing. Focus your eyes down on the thumb tips.
Feel the exhaled breath touch the thumbs. Continue for 11 minutes.
In the same position place your thumbs under the arms at the
sides. There is a nerve there that should be pressed. The hands are on the
chest with the palms toward the body. (Illa & IlIb) Inhale deeply through
the mouth with a whistle. Listen to the whistle and mentally hear the mantric
sound, “So.” As you exhale throught the nose, mentally hear the
sound “Hung.” The mantra means “I am that infinite.”
Continue for 11 minutes.
All of these exercises are to balance the frequency
and quality of the heart center. It is a most important center that opens
the potentials of compassion and humility.
Man is now going through a global transition. He is preparing to have kingship
over the service of the universal force. There are two ways of earning the
universal consciousness: through hardship and time or through mantra. Mantra
is the easier way. The difficulty is that mantra opens the heart center and
your mind has difficulty following its frequency since its habit has been
very different. In this state you realize man creates his own suffering by
not recognizing and living the essence of self which is truth. In these meditations
the mind is focused into the channel of the heart.
taught April 4' 1972, from Kundalini Mediation Manual for intermediate students
pinklotus advaita
freedom YIS
yoga Oneness Deeksha
poems drawings