KY kriya for massage the Lymphatic System (from Physical Wisdom)

1 . Sit in easy pose. Keeping the arms close to your sides, bend the elbows so that the hands and forearms are pointing straight up and the palms are facing each other. Strongly push one arm out and up at a 60 degree angle while the other arm remains bent, becomes hard like steel, and creates a solid balance for the extended arm. Then push out the bent arm while the extended arm returns to the balancing position close in to the side of the body. The arm is pushed out from the armpit, which is stretched in this motion. This is a very vigorous and demanding exercise. You will work hard to do it correctly. You are channelizing the energy of the ida and pingala. 10 Minutes.

2. Extend both arms up and out, creating a "V'' between your arms. Keep the elbows straight and criss-cross your arms in front of your face.
Move very quickly with Breath of Fire. 1 1/2 Minutes.

3. Extend both arms out in front of you with the palms facing up. Moving both arms together, move as if you were splashing water up and over your head. Breathe powerfully through your mouth. 2 1/2 Minutes.

4. Lie down on your back and lift both legs up over your head into plow pose. Return your legs to the floor and continue leg lifts into plow pose. 2 Minutes.

5. Lie down straight and put your hands under your neck. Spread your heels about one foot apart. Begin jumping the body from the hips, moving from the center of the body. Don't bend the knees, but move from thighs to rib cage. Move vigorously. 3 1/2 Minutes.

6. Still lying on your back, lift your legs up, and grab your toes, keeping your knees straight. Open your mouth and breathe through your throat. 1 Minute.

7. Come into baby pose with your forehead on the ground and your hands behind you. Go to sleep listening to ''Naad'' by Sangeet Kaur. After 11 minutes rise up, cross your palms over your heart center and sing along with the tape for 5 more minutes. Yogi Bhajan played the gong during this meditation.


COMMENTS: I feel if the body is made to be very strong, really strong, it can fight of anything. ( YB october 30"1985)