KY Meditation for Energy and Relaxation of the Nerves
How to Do It
1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Inhale, hold the breath, pull and release the Mula Bandha 3 times, exhale and repeat for 1 minute. Then stretch the legs.
2. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Inhale, exhale, hold the breath and pull and relax the Mula Bandha 3 times, inhale and repeat for 1 minute. Relax the legs, stretching them out.
3. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Unite with the Universal Spirit (current), Let go, if only for an instant. (Union cleanses negativity).
Comments: Try 40 days without negativity.
Offer all action, all thought to the Creator. Energy that is drawn from the
navel is that given by the mother, and not paid back. Use nourishing channels
of the navel as when in the womb.
Taught by Yogi Bhajan October 16" 1979 (from Sexuality
and Spirituality)
pinklotus advaita
freedom YIS
yoga Oneness Deeksha
poems drawings