Kundalini Yoga Nabhi Kriya KY kriyas (From The Aquarian Teacher, level one textbook)
1) Alternate
Leg Lifts. On back, inhale and lift right leg up to 90 degrees.
Exhale and lower it. Repeat with left leg. Continue alternate leg lifts
with deep powerful breathing for 10 minutes. 2) Leg Lifts. Without pause lift both legs
up to 90 degrees on inhale and lower them on exhale. For balance and energy,
have the arms stretched straight up palms facing each other. 5
minutes. 3) Knees to chest. Bend
knees and clasp them to chest with the arms, allowing the head to relax
back. Rest in this position for 5 minutes. 4) Beginning in position 3, inhale, open
the arms straight out to the sides on the ground and extend the legs straight
out to 60 degrees. Exhale and return to original position. Repeat and
continue for 15 minutes. 5) Leg Lift. On back bring
left knee to the chest, hold it there with both hands and rapidly raise
the right leg up to 90 degrees and down, inhaling up, exhaling down, for
1 minute. Switch legs and repeat for 1 minute. Repeat
the complete cycle once more. 6) Front Bends. Stand up straight, raising arms overhead, hugging ears and press fingers back so that palms face the sky or ceiling. Exhale as you bend forward to touch the ground, keeping the arms straight and hugging ears, and inhale up, very slowly with deep breathing. On exhale apply mulbandh. Continue at a slow pace for 2 minutes, then more rapidly for 1 more minute. This is for the entire spinal fluid and the aura. COMMENTS |