1. Stand and extend arms straight out and
slightly pressed back, pointing thumbs straight up. Hold with Breath of
Fire for 2 minutes. Then inhale deeply, slowly raising arme overhead ‘til
thumbs meet, arch back, and exhaling, slowly bend forward to touch toes.
Charges electo-magnetic field.
2. Sit, spreading legs wide apart. Grab left foot and lower head to left
knee, with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. To end, deeply inhale, completely
exhale and pul Mulbhand, holding as long as possible. Relax and repeat
on right side.
3. Locust Pose: on stomach, place hands palms under thighs (beginners
use fists) and inhale as you raise the straight legs as high as possible.
exhale and apply Mulbhand, holding as long as possible. Repeat and continue
for 3 minutes, relax 2 minutes.
4. Cobra Pose: Concentrating at the
3rd eye, arch torso up in Cobra. Inhale, exhale and pull Mulbhand, holding
as long as possible. Repeat and continue for 3 minutes. Relax 2 minutes.
5. Shoulderstand: on back, raise legs and hips perpendicular to the floor,
supporting than with the hands, weight on shoulders, neck and upper arms.
Take 3 deep breaths, and on 3rd exhale apply Mulbband, kicking buttocks
rapidly with alternate heels for as long as possible. Inhale, repeat and
continue for 3 minutes, resting 2 minutes.
6. Sit in Easy Pose, and lie back down, hands folded in Venus Lock on
the stomach. Meditate at 3rd eye.