Kundalini Yoga for connecting with your source of infinite energy KY kriyas
1. Sit in easy pose. Stretch your left arm out to the side with the fingers in gyan mudra and the palm up. The right elbow is bent, the palm faces forward, and the hand is about the level of the ear. The right thumb and sun finger (ring finger) connect to form surya mudra while the other fingers point upward. Inhale and exhale. Hold the breath out and pull the navel, mentally chanting "Har" with each pull of the navel. Begin by chanting "Har" eight times with the breath held out. When you are comfortable with that, increase the number of times you pull the navel and mentally chant "Har" until you can chant "Har" twenty times before you inhale. 11 Minutes. |
To finish: Rapidly pump the navel 108 times either with the breath held in or with the breath held out. (Your choice) |