Kundalini Yoga Gheranda Samhita KY kriyas
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1. Tilt the head slightly back, keeping the eyes open and hold with gentle breathing for 2-3 minutes. Good for singers: For clearing the Pharynx and phlegm.
Sublimates the sexual drive and aids concentration.
For mind & will power.
Good for mental fatigue and improves the memory.
“By doing the Jalandhara Bhanda, the nectar that drips fran the 1000 petaled lotus is not burnt up in the digestive system, and it controls the life force, kindling the Kundalini”.
Stimulates the junction of nerves between the eyes
and ears, and aids the rnuscles that move the eyeball, the iris, and the
coordination of those muscles. Prevents blindness and cures all eye diseases.
Throw away glasses in 40 days practice. |
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7. Rejuvenating the cheeks: Join fingertips and close nostrils with thumbs. With eyes open, inhale through “crow beak” (puckered lips), hold the breath and close the eyes, dropping the chin into the sternal notch, and puffing cheeks out with the breath. Hold as long as possible, then return head to normal, open eyes, and exhale SLOWLY through the nose. This aerates the oral cavity, bringing fresh air where
germs breed. Good for facial muscles, strengthens teeth, cures pyorrhoea
caries, halitosis and pimples!!! This practice rnakes a man free of old
age symptoms and gives the longevity of a camel. Repeat several tirnes. |
Comments: It is a head set: All exercises are done standing up. For the brain, mind, intellect, concentration, will-power, memory, throat, eyesight, teeth, facial muscles, halitosis, pirnples, & nervous strain. Exersizes1 thru 5 are effective in curing states of
mental and nervous strain, causing nutrition to flow to the brain tissues
and glands. Bending the neck interrupts venous return and stretches the
spinal cord and the peripheral nerves. |