for Deekshagivers
Sadhana for Deekshagivers
to deepen the process
During the sadhana you give your full attention
from Monday till Saturday on 1 body, with awareness, exercise
and meditation.
The first week you start with the first body, the second week with the second
body and so on.
The week goes from Monday till Saturday and on Sunday you rest.
After you did six weeks sadhana for all the six bodies, you rest the seventh
week and after that you begin all over again.
1. Anamaya Kosha, the physical body
- Be aware of your body the whole week.
- Observe the body in action.
- The universe guides your body: "Your body is not
your body".
- Exercise every day your body 15 to 20
- During the exercises stay aware of your body.
- Meditate 10 minutes on the first chakras,
mooladhara, with pranakriya 3, the tip of your index finger
touching the base of the thumb; feel the pulse; and use for example
the sound Lang and a visualisation of the chakra,
or aim your attention solely on the spot between the anus and the sexual organs.
- Meditate 11 minutes on the second chakra,
svadhishtana, with pranakriya 3, the tip of your index finger
touching the base of the thumb; feel the pulse; and use for example
the sound Vang and a visualisation of the chakra,
or aim your attention solely on the area of the sexual organs.
- Meditate preferably every day on the
same time.
2. Pranamaya Kosha, the energy body
- Be the whole week aware of the connection
between the body and thinking, the way they influence each other:
a. If there is fear the hart will beat faster or you will get pain in your
b. If you each spicy food it will influence your thoughts.
c. Fruit and juices have a different effect.
Exercise the Pranakriya
a. Sit cross-legged or on your knees with your back straight and your eyes
b. Stay during the exercise comfortable and don't force your breath.
c. Pranakriya 1: the tip of your index finger touching the
tip of the thumb, feel the pulse; the energy flows from the lower part of
the body to the hips.
d. Breath seven times in a natural way in and breath out in a way that the
exhale is twice as long as the inhale, squeeze the throat a little, ujyai.
e. Pranakriya 2: the tip of your index finger touching
the fold of the thumb, feel the pulse; the energy flows from the hips to
the neck.
f. Breath seven times in a natural way in and breath out in a way that the
exhale is twice as long as the inhale, squeeze the throat a little, ujyai.
g. Pranakriya 3: the tip of your index finger touching
the base of the thumb, feel the pulse; the energy flows from the neck to
the head.
h. Breath seven times in a natural way in and breath out in a way that the
exhale is twice as long as the inhale, squeeze the throat a little, ujyai.
i. After this lie down on your back with your arms a little wide and your
palms up and relax (Savasana).
Meditate 21 minutes
on the third chakra, manipura, with pranakriya
3, the tip of your index finger touching the base of the thumb; feel the
pulse; and use for example the sound Rang and a
visualisation of the chakra, or aim
your attention solely on the area of the solar plexus.
3. Karmamaya Kosha, the karmic body
- Be the whole week aware of
the principle of karma:
- you will see that everything you do will come back
to you manifold.
- if you helped someone, in a time he needed it most,
shall that also happen to you.
- if you offend someone, that shall also happen to
- by doing seva (service) you acquire good karma.
- by helping as many people as you can.
- by asking and giving forgiveness in relations.
- Exercise yourself in connecting yourself
with the life around you
- by feeding the animals and the birds.
- by taking care of fishes and plants.
- by planting trees.
- do this all with a prayer, that you are connected
with the life around you.
- do it with awareness and love.
- you pray that the good karma will return to you in
the form of spiritual growth.
- Meditate 21 minutes on the heart chakra,
anahata, with pranakriya 3, the tip
of your index finger touching the base of the thumb; feel the pulse;
and use for example the sound Yang
and a visualisation of the chakra, or
aim your attention solely at the heart.
4. Manamaya Kosha, the mind body
Be the whole week aware
of your stories
- every moment unfolds a story in you, for example
if it is raining and dark, a story unfolds from your youth, when the situation
was alike.
- listen to your stories.
- most stories unfold in your relationships.
- every story has a kind of psychological need.
- for example when you are afraid to be offended in
a mass of people, listen to the story.
- for example someone has a beautiful experience and
that frustrates you, listen to the story.
- you are full of psychological needs, see the story
in those needs.
- Exercise 20 minutes vipassana
- be aware of your natural breathing.
- be aware of everything that appears.
- don't react at the sensations, solely observe.
- Meditate 21 minutes on the throat chakra,
vishuddhi, with pranakriya 3, the tip
of your index finger touching the base of the thumb; feel the pulse;
and use for example the sound Hang
and a visualisation of the chakra, or
aim your attention solely at the throat.
5. Vigynamaya Kosha, the wisdom body
Be the whole
week aware of the rising and disappearing
- someone made a list of all the personalities, that
she came across every day, and understood:
- there is nobody there, only personalities.
- Practice walk meditation, as long as
you wish.
- walk slowly with full attention.
- if you walk together, don't talk.
- Meditate 21 minutes on the third eye,
ajneya, with pranakriya
3, the tip of your index finger touching the base of the thumb; feel the pulse;
and use for example the sound AUM
and a visualisation of the chakra, or
aim your attention solely at the third eye.
6. Anandamaya Kosha, the ecstatic body
- Be the whole week aware
of coincidences in your life.
- that it is the Divine hand, that makes something
happen to you.
- you seek a solution, that suddenly appears and be
thankful for it.
- Practice with the worshipping of the
divine in you.
- sit in silence, see the beauty.
- worship the divine in your heart
- Meditate 21 minutes on the crown chakra,
sahasrara, with pranakriya
3, the tip of your index finger touching the base of the thumb; feel the pulse;
and use for example the sound Ogum
Sathyam Aum and a visualisation of the chakra,
or aim your attention solely at the crown chakra.
Given at the deepening course in July 2006
pinklotus advaita
vrijheid Yoga
door Douwe Pranayama
door Douwe meditaties
yoga diksha gedichten