The 24 forms of Yoga

Anabhava Yoga: The discipline of non-being, the higher yogic practice of immersion of the self into the Self without objective supports.

Ashtanga Yoga: The discipline of the eight limbs described by Patanjali.

Bhakti Yoga: The discipline of love and devotion. Surrender of ego in love.

Dhyana Yoga: The discipline of meditation, Simran, mindfulness, and concentration all come under this.

Guru Yoga: Merger through focus, surrender and acquisition of virtues in relation to a teacher. It often employs a traatik picture as a meditation in addition to service and modeling the teacher.

Gyan (Jnana) Yoga: The discipline of discriminating wisdom, to discern the real from the unreal, the intuitive from the impulsive, the intelligence from the intellect.

Hatha Yoga: The mastery of polarities. Uses 84 asanas, 24 mudras, 3 maha mudras, 3 bandhas and the practice of pranayama.

Japa Yoga: The discipline of mantra recitation.

Karma Yoga: The discipline to bring actions to a fulfillment and completion within the self. In the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali it is mentioned as the combined practice of cleansing exercices (tapas), deep study (svadhyana), and devotional conscious worship of the Supreme One in all (ishvara-pranidhana).

Kundalini Yoga: The unitive discipline of the power of awareness and the potential in each individual. It is a Raj Yoga. Once called the science of the serpent power (kundalini-shakti), which is fundamental to the tantric tradition, including Hatha Yoga. In Eastern symbology, the serpent represents energy essence, awareness, rejuvenation and the play of the spirit.

Laya Yoga: Merging the finite with the Infinite. The use of sound and mantra with rhythm and a sensitivity to its subtle structure. Often practices in groups.

Mantra Yoga: A discipline of the Yoga tradition ever since Vedic times. It uses sounds that protect and project the mind.

Nada Yoga: The discipline of the inner sound, the primal vibration.

Siddha Yoga: The discipline of adepts to develop powers and extraordinary capacities.

Samkhya Yoga: The discipline of insight into the nature of things. A philosophy of liberation teachings referred to in the Mahabharata.

Raj Yoga: The royal unitive discipline, a Maha Yoga. The Yoga-Shikha-Upanishad refers to it as the combined practice of Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Raja Yoga. Add the direct link of awareness given by the master's touch and the Shabd Guru.

Sahej Yoga: Practice of the state of ease, flow and grace in which all polarites are seen to serve the One. It is considered part of Raj Yoga and is both devotional and powerful.

Shakti Yoga: The techniques in a yoga approach that give strength, power and activity. It relies on practices and actions that develop the feeling of potency and ability in the individual rather than through devotional practices alone. Shakti and Bhakti approaches inform and supplement each other.

Tantra Yoga: The psychological techniques employed in Tantra to clear the subconscious and promote the clarity of the soul. In Kundalini Yoga we do the White Tantra form.

Traatik Yoga: The discipline of gazing on a sacred object or picture of a teacher.

Yantra Yoga: The discipline of focussing the mind upon geometric representations (yantras) of the Cosmos or of energetic processes such as the chakras.


From the Aquarian Teacher

(*) updated April 20' 2012

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