KY meditation for Facing The Challenge of Tomorrow KY meditations (taught January 4" 1994 YB, from Self Knowledge)


1. Sit in easy pose with your arms straight out to the sides. The elbows are up at the same level as the shoulders and the palms face downward. Bend the elbows in so that the forearms and fingertips point straight forward. There will be a stretch feIt in the armpits. Close your eyes and focus the closed eyes at the tip of the chin. Breathe slowly and deeply. Sit straight with the chin in and the chest out. 3 Minutes.

2. Remain in the same position as the first exercise but turn the palms up toward the ceiling. This will stretch the wrists. Do the best you can to make the palms turn upwards. 3 Minutes.

3. Still in the same position, turn the palms so that they are facing out to the sides. The pinkie side of the hand is up and the thumb side of the hand is down. Keep the arms up at shoulder level and still focus the closed eyes at the center of the chin. 3 Minutes.
To Finish: Inhale, hold the breath, and squeeze all the muscles of the body. Exhale and repeat this sequence two more times. Relax.

COMMENTS: We are designed to face the challenge of tomorrow. To use that potential we must live in the present moment and accept what that moment brings. If we become angry resentfull or dive into a fantasy we lose synchrony with the moment and cannot make an appropriate response. This set recalibrates our responsiveness to what is, as it is.

COMMENTS: Fantasy and anger totally destroy the human body. Tolerance is the greatest human asset. YB